Terraform Linting using Tflint

Last Update : 21 November, 2023 | Published : 16 November, 2023 | 2 Min Read

Mastering Terraform with tflint: Your Ultimate Guide

Terraform is a powerful tool for managing infrastructure as code, but writing efficient and error-free configurations can be challenging. Enter tflint - a static analysis tool designed specifically for Terraform. In this blog post, we’ll explore the features, benefits, and best practices for using tflint to supercharge your Terraform workflows.

What is tflint?

tflint is an open-source static analysis tool for Terraform configurations. It performs various checks on your Terraform code to identify errors, enforce best practices, and ensure adherence to style conventions. This tool is invaluable for maintaining clean, efficient, and secure infrastructure code.

Key Features

1. Syntax Checking

tflint verifies your Terraform configurations for syntax errors and common mistakes. It helps catch issues early in the development process, saving you time and preventing potential deployment failures.

2. Style Enforcement

Consistent coding style is crucial for readability and maintainability. tflint enforces style conventions, ensuring that your codebase remains clean, organized, and easy to understand.

3. Security Checks

While not primarily a security tool, tflint can identify certain security-related issues, such as sensitive data exposure or resource misconfigurations.

4. Plugin System

Extend tflint with plugins to customize its behavior or integrate it into your existing workflows. This allows you to tailor the tool to your specific requirements.

5. CI/CD Integration

Integrate tflint seamlessly into your CI/CD pipelines. Automate checks during the deployment process to catch issues early and ensure only quality code is deployed.

Getting Started with tflint


To get started with tflint, you’ll need to install it on your system. You can find installation instructions for various platforms on the official GitHub repository: https://github.com/terraform-linters/tflint.

Running tflint

Once installed, running tflint is as simple as navigating to your Terraform project directory and executing:


tflint will scan your configurations and provide a detailed report highlighting any identified issues.


Using tflint is a game-changer for Terraform developers. It empowers you to write cleaner, more efficient, and error-free code, ultimately leading to more reliable and secure infrastructure deployments.

Remember, tflint is just one component of a robust Terraform development workflow. Pair it with other best practices such as version control, automated testing, and code reviews for a comprehensive approach to infrastructure as code.

Get started with tflint today and elevate your Terraform development experience!

Note: Always ensure you have the latest version of tflint and refer to the official documentation for the most up-to-date information and best practices.

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